How To Retire In Your 40s Using The F.I.R.E. Method?
F.I.R.E stands for Financial Independence, Retire Early. It is a movement that challenges conventional methods of working until 65 years and practitioners of the F.I.R.E method hope to be able to quit their jobs in their early 40s or 30s to live the rest of their lives on small yet disciplined withdrawals made from their investments.
The F.I.R.E movement is becoming increasingly popular because millennials and Gen Z investors are questioning the current consumerism-led template. For example, they are critical about taking a home loan, buying a car, working 9 to 5 for the next 30 years to repay these loans, accumulating enough wealth to retire in our 50s or 60s, etc.
This blog will explain the F.I.R.E movement in detail and give you a step-by-step guide to retiring in your 40s using the F.I.R.E method.
F.I.R.E Movement: The Beginning
The concept of F.I.R.E was inspired by the book titled “Your Money Or Your Life” written by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez in 1992. For Robin and Dominguez, financial independence wasn’t just an idea but a way of life. It was an existence built around self-sufficiency, moderate consumption, and control over one’s time. And seeking greater satisfaction from life outside the nine to five rat race.
It took the world more than a decade for the concept to sink in, the F.I.R.E movement. But now, the F.I.R.E movement has many disciples who extol the virtues of this approach.
Take, for instance, Pete Adney. He retired from his job as a software engineer at the age of 30 by spending only a small percentage of his annual salary and consistently investing the remainder in stock market Index Funds. Some of you might have heard of Pete Adney, who uses the pseudonym Mr. Money Mustache. From his website, he gives practical advice and motivation to fellow mustachians to build a life for themselves that’s free from financial worries.
Today, the F.I.R.E community has expanded beyond software engineers, including writers, bloggers, YouTubers, travel enthusiasts, podcasters, etc.
Younger generations are putting up a case that the traditional views are outdated. They are advocating the creation of a new rule book that asks people to live their lives on their terms. F.I.R.E movement appeals to such people as it gives them the financial breathing room to work part-time, do something that they enjoy, convert a hobby into a business, spend time with the family, etc.
In essence, when they use the word retire, it’s not to say that they have stopped working. Instead, they have happily retired to something else that they absolutely love.
As you have learned the basics of the F.I.R.E method, let’s understand how to set up a F.I.R.E strategy to retire early.
F.I.R.E Method: Setting Up Your Strategy To Retire Early
• The core tenets of a F.I.R.E strategy are simple.
• Start by saving 50-70% of your income.
• Show economic discipline by living frugally.
• Invest your savings wisely with a low-cost Index Fund.
And that’s it. Save more, spend less, and invest wisely. These are the three bedrock principles of any F.I.R.E strategy. Now, before we get into each of these in greater detail, it’s important for a F.I.R.E enthusiast to first establish the math.
The Math Behind F.I.R.E Method
You can do it by asking two basic questions. One, how much income do you need to sustain your lifestyle in early retirement? Two, how soon do you want to retire?
The second question is probably the easier one. So let’s focus on the first one.
To answer how much income you need to sustain your lifestyle in early retirement, you need to find out how much you can spend on a monthly or yearly basis. A helpful and often used rule of thumb around this is the 4% rule.
Now, what’s the 4% rule? If you retire with a kitty of, say, Rs. 5 crores, as per the 4% rule, you can use up to Rs. 20 lakhs annually. Another way of doing this is to reverse the rule. So, 4% when inverted comes to 25 times. Thus, your retirement corpus needs to be 25 times the amount you withdraw in the first year.
For instance, say you need Rs.10 lakhs for expenses in the first year of retirement. Then, 25x of that comes to Rs. 2.5 crores. It is the corpus you must have before you retire. Now, the focus and calculations were done in the 1990s by using numerous assumptions that are very specific to the United States.
For instance, the 4% rule was built on the assumption that your investment portfolio would grow at an average of 7% per year. But then, some of the variables might not pan out now, like the fact that the 4% rule was built to work reliably for 30 years.
However, if you retire at the age of 40 or 45, your retirement journey is a lot longer. Also, the 4% might be a bit high in that particular case. Another issue with the 4% rule is that it doesn’t account for inflation. For a country like India, it’s much higher when compared to highly developed countries like the United States. But the good thing is that you can make your version of the 4% rule on an excel worksheet. If you make one, you surely want to add inflation to it.
The whole point of doing this is to get your retirement number right. Nonetheless, with math out of the way, let’s understand each step of the F.I.R.E strategy in detail.
F.I.R.E Method Step 1: Save 50 -70% Of Monthly Income
Save anywhere from 50-70% of your income every month. It is much higher than the standard 15-20% saving that most people do. Realistically, saving 50% of the income might not be possible for everyone with some essential expenditures. The expenses list includes rent, food, child’s education, home loans, etc. But the idea should be to get as close as possible.
In that context, what can really help is a boost in your income. It can be done in many ways like taking up a part-time job or some extra consultancy work, asking for a pay hike, changing jobs for a better salary, reskilling oneself, starting a side hustle, etc.
F.I.R.E Method Step 2: Spend Wisely
The second step under the F.I.R.E strategy is “Spend Wisely.” So you identify what is essential and what expenses can be tagged as discretionary.
F.I.R.E enthusiasts have a lot of helpful tips on managing expenses. It includes driving a used car, using public transportation if you live in the city, considering renting instead of buying a house, making your own meals, cutting restaurant expenses, avoiding credit card debt, using them for rewards, etc.
Another area worth considering here is the importance given to passive income by the F.I.R.E community. Now, passive income can be of many kinds like dividends from stocks, interests from fixed deposits, blog income, YouTube channel monetization, rental from properties, etc. And passive income is something that F.I.R.E members are continuously striving for.
In fact, several followers use something called the FI ratio or the financial independence ratio. It’s the proportion of one’s monthly passive income to one’s monthly expenses. For example, if you earn Rs. 2 lakh as passive income and your expenses are Rs. 1.5 lakhs, then you have a FI ratio of 133%.
Generally, anything over 100% indicates that some real good progress has been made towards financial independence.
F.I.R.E Method Step 3: Make Prudent Investments
The third and final step in the F.I.R.E movement is investments. Initially, the F.I.R.E principles require us to invest as much money as possible. Here, a savings account is not something that fits within our investment description.
The FIRE movement requires its followers to give their money the best chance of growing, especially in developed countries like the United States. They use a low-cost Index Fund or Exchange-traded Fund (ETF) to do that job effectively. The funds mentioned above are getting bigger by the month in India as well. You can use them more smartly to achieve higher than benchmark returns.
F.I.R.E practitioners say that their new lifestyle is deeply gratifying and pushes them to be creative and collaborative. But most people don’t like the idea that the F.I.R.E strategy requires them to sacrifice too much of their lifestyle. So, financial independence is not that easy to achieve through the F.I.R.E strategy. In fact, the F.I.R.E strategy may not be suitable for everyone.
Ask yourself how much sacrifice you can make. After all, it depends on your goals, disposable income, and what you’re prepared to give up to keep your savings rate high. With some of the techniques on keeping income high, expenses low, and investments right, we are sure there are enough bullets in your chamber that’ll allow you to take a good shot at F.I.R.E or at least some version of it.
Source: ETMoney