Are you missing SIP Installment?

Missed an SIP Installment ? Here's What You Need to Know !

  • Did you just miss a SIP installment and wonder what that means for your investments? Don’t stress! Let’s walk through the details so you can stay on top of your investment game.

Good News: No Penalty from Mutual Funds

First things: Your mutual fund company won’t charge you for missing a SIP installment. You have the freedom to choose how and when you invest your money. Take a deep breath and relax!

Watch Out for Bank Penalties

It’s important to note that some banks may charge a fee for SIP rejection, which can range from Rs.250 to Rs.750 per rejection. While the mutual fund company may let you off the hook, it’s still best to stay on top of your payments to avoid any additional charges.

Don’t worry, we can walk through the details together so you can stay on top of your investment game.

Consecutive Rejections Can Halt Your SIP

Be careful! If your SIP gets rejected three times in a row, the mutual fund company might stop your SIP automatically. That could throw off your investment plans, so be mindful of consecutive rejections.

Here is the Solution

1. Reschedule your SIP Date.

  1. Make your SIP payment within the first 2-3 days after your salary date. This way, your bank accounts will be funded on the ECS date and you will prioritize your investments over spending.
  2. You can also choose a common date for all your SIPs. This will help you to remember your ECS dates resulting in fewer rejections.


2. Consolidate your SIP.

Instead of several SIPs of small amounts. Go for 2-3 SIPs of bigger amounts. This will be easier to remember and by any chance, if your accounts are dry you will have only 2-3 rejections.


3. Review your SIP amount.

Don’t have a big Investment obligation every month which does not suit your pocket. if you find it challenging to honor all your SIPs review the amount and lower your monthly rejection.

4. Pause Your SIP When Needed

Here’s a smart tip: If you see financial trouble ahead and don’t think you can invest in your SIPs for the next 2-3 months, Pause it instead of missing installments. This way, you avoid bank penalties and keep your investment journey smooth.

Share this information !

  • If you know someone whose SIP is being rejected regularly, be sure to share this information with them.  By knowing their options and understanding the consequences of missing payments, they can make informed decisions about their investments.
  • Stay on top of your SIP installments, and remember that pausing your SIP is a smart alternative if you foresee any financial challenges. 

Happy Investing !!

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