Are liquid funds a good choice to park your emergency corpus?

The ongoing covid-19 crisis has further highlighted the importance of having an adequate emergency corpus. With so much uncertainty about what could happen in future, you may be wondering if you should hold a portion of your emergency corpus in liquid funds or move the entire sum into safer options such as bank savings accounts, especially because liquid funds have seen greater volatility in net asset values (NAVs) recently, owing to liquidity-led disruptions in the debt markets.


What is a liquid fund?


Debt mutual funds are currently classified based on the maturity of their investments. Liquid funds invest in instruments that have a maturity date of 91 days or less like treasury bills, Government securities, call and notice money. Currently, liquid funds are providing a return higher than traditional savings bank accounts. The redemption procedure in a liquid fund is also very simple. Once the redemption request is submitted, the funds get credited to the investor’s account in one working day.


What is the investment tenure for liquid funds?


Financial planners recommend investing in these funds for periods up to sixmonths. These funds work very well to save for short term goals since they are not susceptible to capital loss. This makes them perfect for goals like school fees or holiday expenses. Liquid funds are also excellent for investment in equity funds using the Systematic Transfer Plan (STP), where a fixed amount gets transferred from the liquid fund to an equity fund, giving return on both types of funds.


What are the risks involved in liquid funds?


AS With every investment, there is a slight element of risk involved. HOwever, liquid funds carry the lowest element of risk among other mutual funds. These funds generally invest in instruments with high credit rating. When it comes to the fund NAV, you can also get the NAV data on the weekends.


What are the tax implications on liquid funds?


If you stay invested in a liquid fund for more than three years, you will be able to claim the benefit of indexation on your capital gains. If you liquidate before 36 months or 3 years, the gains are added to your tax slab and taxed at regular slab rates. When you choose the dividend option, the fund is subject to dividend distribution tax of 29.12%. This means the dividends are tax free in your hands.


Source: Times of India

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